What is Motion Capture? What does Qinematic focus on and why?
There are key differences between 3D and 2D markerless motion capture using affordable technology. Qinematic tells their history and why they still prefer 3D scans for accuracy over convenience.
Knowing bio-mechanics is the key to winning in elite sport.
Knowing bio-mechanics is the key to winning in elite sport.
Who is inactive? What should health and fitness providers do about it?
There are key differences between 3D and 2D markerless motion capture using affordable technology. Qinematic tells their history and why they still prefer 3D scans for accuracy over convenience.
Why choose 3D movement scans over 2D scans? An expert opinion, from experience.
There are key differences between 3D and 2D markerless motion capture using affordable technology. Qinematic tells their history and why they still prefer 3D scans for accuracy over convenience.
What is Time of Flight markerless motion capture? What sensor do we prefer, and where to get it?
Time of Flight markerless motion capture is a fast and cost-effective way to collect human movement data for health and fitness poviders.
Balance assessment: Stopwatch and eyeballing is so old school! What needs to be measured? What is the difference between centre-of-mass and centre-of-pressure?
What is the difference between a balance assessment using centre of pressure on a force plate and centre of mass from motion capture? Why would anyone continue to use a stopwatch and visual observation in 2024?
Restricted versus Non-Restricted squat. Not all squats are created equal.
What is the difference between a restricted and non-restricted squat? Not all squats are created equal. There might be a case for doing one or the other, or both.
The squat is a whole-body event - understanding the kinematics is the secret to success.
However, to perform a squat properly and safely, it is important to understand the whole-body kinematics involved in the movement.
What muscles are causing the body to move during a squat?
The muscles that move the body during a squat…..
Why health professionals don’t sing from the same hymn sheet - time for a ‘de-fragmentation’?
We believe that a technology backbone used across all actors, can have a positive impact on overcoming the fragmentation and diversity challenges that we face, and provide more effective, efficient, consistent, and integrated services for our clients.
Can it be true that up to 70% of physical therapy clients don’t do their exercises? Apparently, they don’t feel in control!
Up to 70% of people don’t do their physical therapy exercises. They don’t feel involved, and feel a lack of control or what is called self-efficacy.
Chiropractors are embracing movement assessment and exercise.
Chiropractors are stepping away from the bench and starting to embrace movement assessment and exercise prescription, now more than ever.
Chiropractic is known to be a fragmented profession, but movement analysis and exercise prescription could become the one thing that different branches have in common.
Dr. Shirley Sahrmann interview with Tim Ferriss about assessment of movement and specific exercise prescription - Aug, 2023
Sharing is caring, and this interview with Dr. Shirley Sahrmann on the Tim Ferriss Show should be shared by anyone involved in health and wellbeing. It highlights the importance and complexity of movement quality as it relates to pain and dysfunction.
Introducing Biomechanics Measures: Unlocking the Future of Health & Fitness
By implementing biomechanics measures, health and fitness service providers gain valuable insights into the functioning and capabilities of the human body. This innovative approach enables you to analyze various physical movements, identify potential imbalances, and tailor training plans to optimize client outcomes.
Case study - people with movement dysfunction can benefit from regular movement monitoring - 3D is best!
1 in 3 people have a movement dysfunction and need regular monitoring to help them self-manage and to inform their health and fitness providers. 3D is the best solution for quantifying movement patterns and balance.
Movement promotes wound healing after joint replacement
Exercise is a key component of wound care after hip and knee surgery. It can help prevent infections, improve blood circulation, reduce swelling and pain, and promote healing of the surgical site.
Why is postural alignment important for a pain-free body?
Moovment software enables an objective assessment of postural alignment using 3D digital twin technology.
Sidebend Assessment Test for Back Problems
Moovment software should be used for 3D objective measurement of back function, for detecting and preventing problems with the back.
Posture is important and should be measured?
An upright posture puts stresses and strains on the spine and lower limbs. How each body part is stacked on another body part determines how efficient and effective we are at standing and moving, and whether we are exposed to discomfort and injury.