Revitalising Musculoskeletal Care: The New Era of Smart Money
By investing in injury and accident prevention, organizations can not only improve employee well-being but also achieve substantial financial gains.
Revitalising Musculoskeletal Care: The New Era of Prevention
For too long, the healthcare industry has focused on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. This reactive approach is not only costly but also inefficient. It’s time to shift gears towards a proactive model that prioritizes preventing MSK issues before they become debilitating. Prevention using augmented intelligence is here - now let's use it!
What is Motion Capture? What does Qinematic focus on and why?
There are key differences between 3D and 2D markerless motion capture using affordable technology. Qinematic tells their history and why they still prefer 3D scans for accuracy over convenience.
Knowing bio-mechanics is the key to winning in elite sport.
Knowing bio-mechanics is the key to winning in elite sport.
Interview: The Tech Business Podcast
Paul Essery hosts The Tech Business Podcast and interviews Glenn Bilby, founding CEO of Qinematic. The team at Qinematic created Moovment software for recording, assessing and improving the way humans move using computer vision technology and exercise science.
Who is inactive? What should health and fitness providers do about it?
There are key differences between 3D and 2D markerless motion capture using affordable technology. Qinematic tells their history and why they still prefer 3D scans for accuracy over convenience.
Why choose 3D movement scans over 2D scans? An expert opinion, from experience.
There are key differences between 3D and 2D markerless motion capture using affordable technology. Qinematic tells their history and why they still prefer 3D scans for accuracy over convenience.
Balance assessment: Stopwatch and eyeballing is so old school! What needs to be measured? What is the difference between centre-of-mass and centre-of-pressure?
What is the difference between a balance assessment using centre of pressure on a force plate and centre of mass from motion capture? Why would anyone continue to use a stopwatch and visual observation in 2024?
Restricted versus Non-Restricted squat. Not all squats are created equal.
What is the difference between a restricted and non-restricted squat? Not all squats are created equal. There might be a case for doing one or the other, or both.
The squat is a whole-body event - understanding the kinematics is the secret to success.
However, to perform a squat properly and safely, it is important to understand the whole-body kinematics involved in the movement.
Augmented intelligence is transforming health and fitness
AI is going multimodal, and the world of computer-assisted assessment and decision support is about to accelerate at a breathtaking rate. The health, fitness and wellness industries are dependent on good decision-making, communication and cooperation between professionals and their clients, often in the face of uncertainty. The introduction of large language models (LLM) is going to totally transform health and wellbeing.
What muscles are causing the body to move during a squat?
The muscles that move the body during a squat…..
Why health professionals don’t sing from the same hymn sheet - time for a ‘de-fragmentation’?
We believe that a technology backbone used across all actors, can have a positive impact on overcoming the fragmentation and diversity challenges that we face, and provide more effective, efficient, consistent, and integrated services for our clients.