Balance assessment: Stopwatch and eyeballing is so old school! What needs to be measured? What is the difference between centre-of-mass and centre-of-pressure?

What is the difference between a balance assessment using centre of pressure on a force plate and centre of mass from motion capture? Why would anyone continue to use a stopwatch and visual observation in 2024?

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Introducing Biomechanics Measures: Unlocking the Future of Health & Fitness

By implementing biomechanics measures, health and fitness service providers gain valuable insights into the functioning and capabilities of the human body. This innovative approach enables you to analyze various physical movements, identify potential imbalances, and tailor training plans to optimize client outcomes.

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Case study - people with movement dysfunction can benefit from regular movement monitoring - 3D is best!

1 in 3 people have a movement dysfunction and need regular monitoring to help them self-manage and to inform their health and fitness providers. 3D is the best solution for quantifying movement patterns and balance.

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