Case study - Neck posture
Moovment® assessment shows immediate improvement in neck posture after Neurac® treatment.
Patient and physical therapist at Postureworks in Los Angeles explain the benefits of combining Moovment assessment with Redcord Neurac treatment for a neck problem. An ‘excited’ patient that has better awareness of their problem is more motivated and more empowered to follow recommendations and use self-care strategies.
In 2017, 288.7 million people around the world reported neck pain (1). That does not include all the people who had pain but said nothing about it!
Although most acute episodes resolve spontaneously, more than a third of affected people still have low-grade symptoms or recurrences more than one year later. For managing neck pain the strongest evidence is for exercise (2). A good assessment will ensure that the right exercises are selected. More importantly, the 3D avatar helps the person experiencing the pain or dysfunction to better understand their problem and how to deal with it.
The Neurac® method uses the principles of suspension therapy to stimulate the neuromuscular system so that function and posture can improve. It stimulates the receptors in the muscles and joints to communicate with the nervous system, enabling the body to activate and relax the right muscles at the right time. It also helps to modulate pain.
When the neck is not aligned with gravity, the load on the neck and back is increased. This can cause pain and fatigue, as well as headaches and visual disturbances. Assessment of posture and movement is complex as it involves the interplay of multiple body parts. Physical therapists at Postureworks identify and measure ‘antalgic postures’ (painful postures) and ‘postural orientation errors’ (poor dynamic alignment of body párts associated with poor function) using Moovment® 3D digital technology to record, measure, analyse and identify the source of the problem - not just the symptoms.
(1) Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain in the general population, 1990-2017: systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017, BMJ 2020;368:m791. doi: (Published 26 March 2020)
(2) Physiopedia. The epidemiology of neck pain.
Connect with the Postureworks clinic here.
Learn more about Moovment software here.
Learn more about Redcord Neurac here.